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#5 - Wayne - HeadshotPro.png

Wayne Drinkwater


Director Planning & Development


Based in EDC's Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Queensland Head Office, Wayne, as CEO, provides stewardship to the in-house project development teams, managing all aspects of site identification and securitisation, through project design, feasibility and approvals, and early stage grid investigations.


Positive engagement with internal teams, external consultants and stakeholders is a key area of focus for Wayne, with the development of a truely positive, responsive, high trust and team centric culture,  a key deliverable.


Landowner, local community and councils, together with State and Federal government engagement and relationship management are a top priority for EDC. 


Wayne also brings extensive experience nationally and internationality in M&A roles, and is a recognised leader in the development of highly effective teams and developer of emerging leaders.




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