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solar cell plant and wind generators in urban area connected to smart grid.Energy supply,e

Our Markets

EDC is a wholly Australian owned company providing specialist renewable energy development and EPC services to the National Energy Market (NEM), as well as Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

EDC also has been approached to provide our services to projects and investors in a number of overseas locations.  Below is an overview of some of our current projects across various markets.

Queensland (QLD- NEM)

EDC has a platform of 3GW of solar farm and BESS projects in QLD, ranging from 5MW BESS only sites to 40MW Solar farm and 40MW BESS, through to a 200MW solar farm with 100MW/4Hr BESS project in Nth QLD. 

Western Australia (WA)

EDC is in early stage feasibility of two large utility scale solar farm and BESS projects in WA totalling 400MW

Renewable Energy Campus and Hub

EDC is establishing a renewable energy hub for budding professionals to be located at our Maroochydore H.O. In addition, a renewable energy Innovation and Research campus will be co-located with the battery factory.

New South Wales

As partner in a joint venture, Energy 8 Corporation (E8C), EDC will deliver a series of 10 site x 5MW BESS only projects to strengthen regional supply across the state.

Battery Factory

EDC has entered into a JDA to deliver a state of the art (AI and robotics) battery factory to be constructed in Queensland, to supply Australian and

S. E. Asian Markets, supplied by BTM from a 300MW solar farm and BESS facility.

Renewable Energy
Professionals, Developers and Investors

solar cell plant and wind generators in urban area connected to smart grid.Energy supply,e

Interested in Working with EDC?

EDC are actively seeking potential full-time and part-time employees across town planning, project management, grid analysis and grid design, administration and accounting roles, to join us at our Maroochydore H.O.
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